Pallava Dynasty
After the Sangam era in Tamil country, Kalbhara ruled for 250 years. , The capital in the Pallava empire and Kanchipuram in Tondaimandalam.
The origins of Pallava are disputed while many consider them as native. First inscriptions were issued in nature and in Sanskrit. Brahminism protected.
Samundragupta defeated Vishnugupa in the Southern Campaign.
Simvishnu - the real founder of the Pallava dynasty He was a great ruler, who had defeated the Kalbhrasas, the Cholas to expand the area till Kaveri.
Mahindavarman first (600-630 AD): Conflicts between Pallava and Chalukya began. Pulakeshin II marched against them and captured the northern part of the state. He was a Jain follower, but after the influence of Shiv Sainth, Tirunavankarasar / Upar, he became converted into Savivism.
He is believed to have built a temple for cave temples, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He also promoted art and music.
Narasimavarman first (630-668 AD), also known as Mamalla, means 'great wrestler'.
Pulakesin II defeated Western Chalukas in the battle of Manimangalam near Kanchi. They captured and destroyed the capital city. After that he assumed the title of 'Watapikonda'. He led a naval campaign for Sri Lanka.
During his reign, Huen Tsang visited Kanchipuram. With ten hundred Buddhist monasteries, he said it big and beautiful with ten hundred Buddhist monasteries. Ghatika in Kanchi was a great learning center.
Narasimhavaran was the founder of Mammalapuram and Monolithic Rath.
Narasimha Vaar II (695-722 AD): Also known as Rajasimha.
His rule was peaceful and enough opportunities were provided for the development of art. Shal Mandir at Mamalapuram and Kailasnath in Kanchipuram.
Dandin was a court poet of Rajsimha Narasimhavar II sent an embassy to China. Sea trade increased during its reign.
He was his successor, Lord Vermont II and Nandivarman II.
The Pallava rule continued till 9th century. Edi Aparajita was defeated by the Aditya I of Chola Dynasty by the last Pallava ruler.
Administration under the Pallava Dynasty:
Divide set in Kottams (administered by King's officials). They have a well-trained army. The temples were called the Land Grant Devdhana. Brahmins were called land donations Brahmadei. No tax was taken for these land grants.
Irrigation was the responsibility of the state. Construction of irrigation tank in Mahendravadi and Mammond during Mahindra Verma first rule
Village council kept them responsible for village land records, local affairs and temple management.
Society under the Pallava dynasty:
Tamil society became harsh under caste system. Brahmins were given a high position. In this period, the rise of Sainism and Vaishnavism arose, whereas Buddhism and Jainism declined.
Shiv Nayankar and Vaishnav Alwar led the Bhakti movement. They made Tamil hymns.
Education and education during the Pallava Rule:
Ghatika was a popular learning center in Kanchipuram. There were various famous students of Ghatika - Dandin (Sanskrit writer in Narasimhavaran Ii's court), Bharavi (Sanskrit scholar at the time of Simvishnu), Dharmapal (who later became Nalanda's leader), Dinganaga (Buddhist writer), Mursarman (Kadamba dynasty) Founder of the Kanchi who studied the Vedas in Kanchi)
Mahendravarman I wrote the Mattvillasprasanam. Parundevaran, preserved by Nandivarman II, translated the Mahabharata into Bharatvenba in Tamil.
Nimanars composed the Nilgiri Praparpandan by Devram and Alwars.
Pallava Dynasty Art and Architecture:
Pallavas started the art of temples excavating rocks. He started the Dravidian style of architecture. The Pallavas were built in four different styles:
Under Mahindavarman I: They started rock cut temples. Mandgappattu, Mahendravadi, Mamandur, Dalavanur, Tiruchirappalli
Under the case: Monolithis chariot of Maimalpuram / Mahabalipuram under Narasiphavar I
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