
Sunday, 2 June 2019

Human Diseases Most Importance Note.

Human Diseases

Diseases caused by Protozoa :

Note : AIDS – Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.
Elisa Test : Test of HIV Virus (AIDS)

Diseases caused by Protozoa :

(i) Diarrhoea : The reason of this disease is

the presence of internal protozoa namely Entamoeba
histolytica which is spread through house flies. It causes wounds in the intestine. Protein
digesting enzyme, trypsin is destroyed in this. This disease is mostly found in children. Disease
caused by helminthes.

(ii) Filaria : This disease is caused by Wuchereia baoncrofti. This worm is circulated by the stings
of culex mosquitoes. This disease causes swelling in legs, testes and other parts of the body.
This disease is also known as Elephantiasis.
Diseases caused by Fungus

(i) Asthma : The spores of the fungi, namely Aspergillus fumigatus reaches the lungs of the
human and constitutes a net like formation, thus, obstructs the function of lungs. This is a
infections disease.

(ii) Athlete's foot : This disease is caused by the fungi namely Tenia Pedes. This is a infections
disease of skin which spreads mainly due to the cracking of feet.

(iii) Scabies : This disease is caused by the fungi namely Acarus scabies. In this disease the skin
itches and white spots found on the skin.

(iv) Baldness : This is caused by the fungi namely Taenia capitis. Due to this hair of the head falls.

(v) Ringworm : This disease spreads through the fungi namely Trycophyton Lerucosum. This is a
infections disease. Round red spot found on the skin.

Some Other Diseases
1. Paralysis or Hemiplegia : In this disease within a few minutes half of the body is paralyzed. The
nerves of the paralyzed part become inactive.
The reason of this disease is due to high blood pressure bursting of any nerve of brain or
insufficient supply of blood to brain.

2. Allergy : Some substance like sand, smoke, chemical, clothes, cold are dangerous to some
persons and there are reactions in their body, which causes various diseases. Itching, pimples,
swelling in body, black spot, eczema etc. are the examples of allergy.

3. Schizophrenia : This is a mental disease which usually found in youth. The patient considers
the imagination as a truth, not to the facts. These patients are lazy, emotionless etc. Electropathy
is helpful in this disease.

4. Epilepsy : This disease is caused by the internal disturbance of brain. In this disease, foam
coming out of the mouth and the patient falls down unconscious.

5. Diplopia : This disease is caused by the paralysis of muscles of the eyes, in which double
image is formed.

6. Bronchitis : It is caused by the inflammation of tubes leading from the wind pipe to lungs.

7. Colds : This is highly infections disease and is caused by a virus which result in bad throat,
headache and watery nose.

8. Colic : Severe pain in the abdomen caused by spasm of the internal organs usually the

9. Delirium : It is a serious mental disturbance occuring under the influence of poisonous drugs.

10. Hydrophobia : A disease cause by bite of a mad dog.

11. Hyper metropia (long sightedness) : One can see the object of longer distance but not the
object of nearer one. It can be corected by convex lens.

12. Myopia (short sightedness) : In this disease person can see the object of nearer distance but
can not see the object of longer distance. It is corrected by using concave lens.

13. Leukaemia : There is a great increase in the number of white blood corpuscles in system.
Swelling of spleen takes place. Death occur within few days.

14. Migrain : An allergic disease in which there is a periodic attack of headache takes place. It is
an incureble disease.

15. Obesity : Excessive fatness is called obesity.

16. Piles : There are a various vein in the rectum. Due to extra pressure on vein it prevent the free
flow of blood creating problem. It is caused due to constipation.

17. Rheumatism : The symptiom of this disease is fever with joints pain.
Other Disease
Atherosclerosis : Deposition of cholesterol particles in the lumen of arteries which prevent the

flow of blood is called atherosclerosis.
Arteriosclerosis : Due to deposition of cholesterol and calcium salt arteries became stiff and rigid.
It loses the property of elasticity due to which wall of arteries may rap fun.
Uremia : Presence of excess of urea in blood is called uremia, This is caused by malfunctioning of

Glgcosuria : Presence of excess of glucose urine is known as glycosuria.
Arthritis : It is disease in which inflammation of joints takes place.
Osteoporosis : It is a age dependent disorder of bone in which low bone mass and increased
fragility takes place.

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