
Friday, 3 August 2018

Indian Geography Study Note

Indian Geography Study Note

The southernmost point of the country is Pagmamal Point or Indira Point located at 6 ° 45 'latitude.
In Kashmir, the north-south border is 3,214 km from Indira Col to Kanniyakumari.
The east-west width of Arunachal Pradesh's Ran is 2,933 km.
With an area of 32,87,263 square kilometers, India is the seventh largest country in the world.
India is about 2.4 percent of the total surface area of the world.

The tropical country of cancer passes through the middle of the country, which divides it into two latitudes.
In the north of the tropical area of cancer, the area is approximately twice the area which is located in the south.

South of 22 degrees North latitude, the country is more than 800 km away in the Indian Ocean as the peninsula.

The east-west time difference is around 2 o'clock.
The earth runs [rotation and revolution] around its axis in 360 degrees through 360 degrees. Thus, the distance of 1 degree longitude will give a difference of 4 minutes.
Therefore Western-local time difference between most point and east-point is 30x4 = 120 minutes or 2 hours.

India, tropical or temperature country?

The tropical part of the temperate region (north of the tropics of cancer) is doubled in the area.
But India is always considered as a physical and cultural country for two different reasons.
Physical geographical reasons
The country has been separated from the rest of Asia by the Himalayas.

Its climate is dominated by tropical monsoons and people of temperate air are blocked by the Himalayas.

The entire region located in the south of the Himalayas is essentially tropical from the point of view of climate: Although winter night temperature may reach the level of prevailing people in temperate land at many places in northern India, still clear skies and severe insurrection day temperatures Enhances at a tropical level.

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