Preamble of the Constitution:
The constitution of India starts with a preamble. The preamble includes the ideals, objectives and basic principles of the Constitution. The main features of the Constitution have been developed directly and indirectly through these objectives which are flowing through projection. The introduction has been described as the introduction or proposal of a book. As an overview, it is not part of the content but it tells the purposes and objectives with which the document is written. This is the case even in the case of 'Prelude' for the Indian Constitution. Such as 'Preble' provides guidelines for the constitution. Basically, this is a brief introductory statement that determines the guiding purpose and principles of the document, and it points to the source from which its right, meaning, and people are received.
The preamble describes the objectives of the Constitution in two ways: One is about the structure of governance, and the second thing is that it tells to achieve ideals in independent India. The reason for this is that Promotable is considered to be the main element of the Constitution.
Proposals, which are kept in the preamble, are:
Details of Indian state as sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. (Socialist, added by Secular 42nd Amendment, 1976).
Provision for all citizens of India
Justice Social, Economic and Political
Freedom of thought, expression, faith, faith and worship
Equality of status and opportunity
Brotherhood convinced the country's personal and unity and the dignity of integrity.
The preamble of the Constitution of India is a well-documented document that reflects the values of the Constitution. It boasts a committed welfare state committed to safeguarding justice, independence and equality for India as a universal socialist secular democratic republic and for people, promoting patriotism, promoting the dignity of the person and the unity and integrity of the nation. The preamble is committed to safeguarding the nature and objectives of the Indian state for the people.
2. Fundamental Rights and Duties:
The Constitution of India provides fundamental rights to its citizens and guarantees it. This is called the Indian Bill of Rights. Initially, seven fundamental rights were given, but after the removal of property rights from the list of Fundamental Rights (44th Amendment Act 1979), their number increased to six.
Pro. HJ Laski said that "a state is known by its rights to maintain it". The Constitution of India confirms the basic principle that each person is allowed to enjoy some basic rights and Part III of the Constitution relates to those rights which are known as Fundamental Rights.
The six fundamental rights are as follows:
1. Right to Equality:
It provides for equality before the law, the end of discrimination, the equality of opportunity, the abolition of untouchability and the elimination of the title.
2. Right to freedom:
It includes six fundamental freedoms including freedom of speech and expression, freedom to form a union, freedom to assemble peacefully without arms, freedom to move freely in India, freedom of residence in any part, and any profession or Includes the freedom to adopt business or business. It protects personal freedom and security in connection with certain convictions for certain crimes.
The Constitution states that according to the procedure established by law, freedom of life and freedom can not be limited or rejected. Art 21A is now given the right to education for children of 6-14 years of age. art. 22 arbitrarily guarantees protection against arrest and custody.
3. Right Against Exploitation:
This fundamental right forbids the sale and purchase of human beings, forced labor (begarar) and employment of children in dangerous jobs and factories.
4. Right to freedom of religion:
The objectives of this right include freedom of religion, religion and worship. Any person can follow any religion.
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