
Sunday, 9 September 2018

Meaning of Anthropology

Scope of economics and anthropology

Studying man and his various facets is a relatively recent effort and it is known as anthropology. It can be called the subject of half science and half art. This is a young science which is not so close to the students of science. Anthropology, as it is generally considered incorrect, is not followed by an idler, nor is it the study of the queer customs of savages or excavations for the remains left by prehistoric people.

It is mainly concerned with our own life. It is no longer a study without an unclear study or portfolio. It is a well-defined science that tells us about different aspects of human life, which is both physical and cultural, which till today is of its origin. It embraces a vast area of study that looks at humans from different angles. Human science is perhaps the most comprehensive science dealing with humans and their actions.

Meaning of anthropology

The word "anthropology" is derived from two Greek words, anthropology (human) and logic (study or science). Thus the science of anthropology is anthropology. This derivative meaning, of course, is very broad and normal. More accurate, human science can be called "science of man and its work and behavior". All aspects of mankind and human behavior are interested in all facets of mankind, everywhere and everywhere, from the origin and development of species, through its prehistoric civilizations to the present situation.

Anthropologists study human behavior, not with men, but with men in "groups", with races and people and their events and deeds. Therefore, anthropology can be briefly defined as the "science of groups of men". Unlike many other topics, such as physiology, psychology, pathology, economics, sociology etc., each of which limits only one aspect, anthropology studies various aspects of human beings. The physiologist studies the processes of life of only one person. Similarly, psychological is related to the mental condition of man. The pathologist examines the pathogenic conditions or diseases of humans. Economics is related to home management or domestic management and fulfillment in widely, production, distribution and consumption of wealth. Sociologists discuss social groups and institutions and their interpersonal relationships and various social problems.

Thus, each of the above biological and social sciences behaves only with one aspect or special individuals. But anthropologists focus their attention on men in groups and study different races in the past and present and the total society of the people of the world. Kluckholon explains that out of all the other scientific disciplines dealing with different aspects of human beings, human science is a science that comes close to the study of human beings. This can be called the overall or synthetic discipline or the science of "man's subordination".

Anthropology is both a biological and social science. It deals with human behavior on the one hand as a member of the animal kingdom and as a member of society with the other. Both the structural development of mankind and the development of civilization are studied from the earliest times, none of which is presently alive. In the same way, anthropologist puts special emphasis on comparative studies in his concern with contemporary human groups and civilizations.

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